Egyptian hieroglyphics on the wall of an ancient ruin, telling stories of gods and pharaohs.
  • Jonathan Crossfield
  • Posted by Jonathan Crossfield
June 3, 2024

Every customer journey, every campaign, every piece of messaging is a narrative in one way or another. What story is your marketing trying to tell?

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A woman sat at her laptop about to type a search query into Google.
  • Leigh Stark
  • Posted by Leigh Stark
May 27, 2024

SEO plugins such as Yoast and Rank Math help Wordpress sites rank, but what happens when they don't? There's more to SEO than simply installing a plugin.

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A woman in a wheelchair on a train station platform as a train speeds past with no obvious way for her to get on.
  • Jonathan Crossfield
  • Posted by Jonathan Crossfield
May 20, 2024

Most talk about online accessibility is framed around people with disabilities. And quite right too. But accessibility is about much more too – impacting all of us.

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A royal figure, in red cloak and crown, surveys his realm from a high mountain, with the various buildings and structures overlaid with data and other forms of information.
  • Leigh Stark
  • Posted by Leigh Stark
May 13, 2024

Websites are made for people. But when you fail to take everyone into account, you risk losing those people quickly. Every website needs someone to own accessibility. 

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  • Jonathan Crossfield
  • Posted by Jonathan Crossfield
May 6, 2024

Video captions aren’t just about making your content accessible to deaf users. They also make your content accessible in situations where sound simply isn’t an option. 

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  • Sim Kaur
  • Posted by Sim Kaur
April 30, 2024

Good branding is about far more than an eye-catching logo, consistent colours and a snappy slogan. It feeds into everything your business does.

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AI-generated image of a woman viewing a reporting dashboard on a laptop, surrounded by other laptops and wall screens displaying data visualisations.
  • Rakz Mathur
  • Posted by Rakz Mathur
April 22, 2024

Depending on who you talk to, AI is an opportunity or a threat. Which of those is true in your workplace will depend on how you manage your AI transformation.

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Two white cars in a car testing facility smashing together in a head-on collision as the crash test dummies hit the inflated air bags.
  • Jonathan Crossfield
  • Posted by Jonathan Crossfield
April 15, 2024

While a good set of personas can provide a detailed picture of your target audience, knowing who should NOT be attracted to your marketing can be just as valuable.

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  • Sim Kaur
  • Posted by Sim Kaur
April 9, 2024

Outbound and inbound marketing may function differently, but which is more effective? And should your marketing strategy rely on one or the other – or both? 

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  • Leigh Stark
  • Posted by Leigh Stark
March 21, 2024

SEO can improve ranking, but if the changes aren't timely, improvement may be slow. When should search marketers set their deadlines to make the biggest impact? 

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